Health & Wellness

Blood Work

What exactly is a blood test?
A blood test is the collection of a blood sample for laboratory analysis. Your blood contains numerous indicators of cardiac health. Depending on what your physician is seeking, the following may be examined:
The ease with which your blood travels through your vessels. The time it takes for your blood to coagulate, as well as the level of fibrinogen, a coagulation component, are both important factors in determining your risk of developing a blood clot. Your cholesterol levels in the blood, your glucose (blood sugar) level, your calcium blood levels
What does a blood test involve?

There is no special preparation required. Blood is extracted from a vein in the limb of one patient. Throughout this procedure:
First, your arm is cleansed with an antiseptic. A blood pressure cuff or elastic band is wrapped around the upper arm, causing the vessels in the lower arm to fill with blood.
The vein is punctured with a catheter, and blood is collected in a vial or syringe. After drawing blood, the syringe is removed and a bandage is applied.

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